Miami Blues

Movie #28

Date Released: 4.20.90

Date Watched: 7.13.2020


I completely remember this movie and had no idea it was Alec Baldwin. I think I remember a scene at a mall early on. Fred Ward is back! He was really on a roll in 1990.

Yes. I was right about the mall. This is just a very bizarre movie. In some ways, it’s only degrees away from genius, but Baldwin’s character just doesn’t form enough to get there, so it falls quite flat. He is an agent of chaos and distributes his misdeeds in a fairly uneven manner. If it were clear he had a code or even intentionally did not have a code (No Country For Old Men, Joker from Batman) that would be different. But there aren’t even hints of his origin or what greater purpose he serves.

That said, the weirdness of Baldwin’s character and the overall solid acting makes it a somewhat enjoyable, if not just uncomfortable movie.

Publishing Notes:

  • Not a super cohesive writeup, but that’s what I wrote!




Crazy People